The “Remembrance & Dua Mahfil” was held on Monday 14 February from 7pm to 10pm organised by GSC at the GSC Head Office in London for:
1) Late Nurul Islam, Writer, Columnist & Community Activists
2) Late Mr Masrurul Hassan Chouduury, GSC Founder Member and Vice Chairperson
3) Late father of Abdul Ahad, Chanel S
4) Late a Young Person at Bethnal Green
Not Well & Sick Persons including:
1) Md Mokis Monsur, Ex Joint Secretary of GSC NEC, Chair-Cardiff
2) M A Mannan, Ex Vice Chairperson, GSC NEC
3) Saleh Khan, Founder Co-ordinator, GSC
4) Miah Monirul Alom, Ex Vice Chairperson & Advisor GSC NEC
5) Iftekhar Hussain Chowhury, GSC Leader, for health conditions & moving house.
May Allah accept our good deeds & Dua and forgive us; and protect us in the world and hereafter!
Greater Sylhet Development and Welfare Council in UK